“Turn Texas blue, The White House will follow”

“Turn Texas blue, The White House will follow”

July 18, 2019,

Turn Texas blue, The White House will follow

That is the message Texas Democrats are sending across the country right now.
Turn Texas Blue Image
The scary truth is: they’re right!

Even worse, the slew of Democrats running for President are making gun control a TOP priority in 2020.

Joe Biden is pledging to “defeat [the gun lobby] in order to make our schools safer.”

I probably don’t need to remind you that Biden is the main architect behind the dangerous “Gun Free” criminal safety zones act, where 98% of mass shootings take place.

As Commander-in-Chief, Biden will only try to expand his anti-gun “legacy.”

On Bernie Sanders’ campaign website, expanding Brady-checks, prohibiting the sale of standard capacity magazines and even implementing an outright ban on commonly-owned firearms are listed as pillars of his campaign platform.

Elizabeth Warren echoed her support for these extreme policies during a CNN town hall in March.

At an April Town Hall, Kamala Harris turned up the crazy by pledging to take executive action on many of these proposals during her first 100 days in office.

And let’s not forget Texas native Beto O’Rourke, whose fledgling campaign recently endorsed “Red Flag” gun confiscation laws.

“Let’s adopt red flag laws — not one city or one state at a time, but for this entire country” — Beto O’Rourke

To make matters worse, Nancy Pelosi is declaring Texas’ suburbs as ground zero for 2020.

After George Soros and company successfully flipped a dozen “red” legislative districts in 2018, they’re making an even bigger push in 2020.

Only this time, they’re banking on high turnout for an anti-gun Presidential candidate at the top of the ticket giving them a boost on down-ballot races.

As shown by the above image from the Texas Democratic Party, they are working hard to do just that.

Thankfully, straight ticket voting WON’T be an option any longer in Texas…

But that still won’t deter anti-gunners like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg from unleashing their massive war chests on the Lone Star State — just like they did in 2018.

For Texas and Liberty,
Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights

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