Big money behind gun control in Texas

June 7, 2022

It’s getting worse.

Establishment Republicans and Democrats are seizing the opportunity to pass sweeping new gun control in the wake of the tragedy in Uvalde.

I’m sure you’ve seen the usual faces capitalizing on Texans’ pain to push their dangerous agenda. Beto, Hollywood cowboy Matthew McConnaughey and the like.

But RINOs are also crawling out of the woodwork to throw your rights in the trash compactor in the name of “bipartisanship.”

Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn is pushing gun control legislation at the federal level.

This isn’t surprising since Cornyn has long made it a point of pushing Universal Gun Registration all in the name of “just doing something” and “common sense.”

And as your TXGR Legislative Director sent out in an alert last week, Republican state legislators Rep. Jeff Leach and Sen. Kel Seliger are both joining with Democrats to demand a special session to pass gun control legislation.

At the time I write you this email no special session has been called, but I need your immediate action to fend off this growing threat.

So please, sign your “No Gun Control!” petition to your lawmakers right away!

Governor Greg Abbot personally appointed an “investigation committee” consisting of Democrat Rep. Joe Moody, Republican Rep. Dustin Burrows, and former Texas Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman to recommend actions to the legislature after Uvalde.

Rep. Burrows voted against TXGR backed amendments to expand Constitutional Carry to all legal adults, college campuses, and lands managed by the Lower Colorado River Authority in 2021.

Rep. Moody is notoriously hostile to your right to bear arms.

Last session alone, Moody authored bills to ban the carry of long guns in public, confiscate guns without due process with “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation, and institute Universal Gun Registration.

He even accused those who reject gun control of racism and blamed the 2019 mass shooting in El Paso on concerns over illegal immigration.

Moody is not even a “moderate” by Democrat standards. He is openly and unashamedly looking to disarm Texas citizens.

So why would he be appointed to this position by a Republican governor? Why are establishment Republicans at every level showing signs of caving to the whims of gun control advocates?

As with most things in politics, you have to follow the money to get the answer.

Just days ago, over 200 of the largest GOP donors in Texas penned a letter urging support for Sen. Cornyn’s “compromises” on the Second Amendment.

You and I both know what that really means.

When the establishment urges “compromise” what they really mean is “sit there quietly while we sell off your freedom for political points.”

The fallout from this push for gun control is not contained to Washington. Texas politicians are already falling in line.

You can bet that not a single politician will lose any armed security in their “compromising.”

Only law-abiding gun owners will be punished and endangered.

That is, if we let them get away with this.

You will no doubt be getting updates from me frequently as this fight progresses — the situation is changing daily.

But know this: your Texas Gun Rights will never settle for compromise.

I must have your help to take on this threat, so please sign your “No Gun Control” petition immediately.

Don’t forget, in 2019 Texas Gun Rights supporters like you put a stop to Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s “Gun Control Roadshow” pushing hearings on “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and came back in 2021 to make Texas the twenty-first Constitutional Carry state.

Victory didn’t come easy then, either.

Gun owners must fight like never before for the future of gun rights in Texas.

That means going all out with pressure campaigns. We must pay for massive mail, phone, and online program in addition to readying activists to work on the ground in the capitol at a moment’s notice.

I want to be completely transparent with you about the state of play.

Texas Gun Rights does not have the billions at their disposal like the Bloomberg backed Gun Control Lobby, and I am not backed up by the big money donors that establishment Republicans are addicted to.

My simple hope is that I have you.

So please, after signing your petition, take a moment and ask yourself what you can give to support this important work.

I cannot fund the fight without your help.

Will you support Texas Gun Rights today?

Please stay alert for more updates on the fight against gun control in the coming days and know that with your support, I am confident we can defeat every would-be tyrant that seeks to disarm Texans.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights

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