TXGR Poll Shows Texans Believe Allred & Harris Would Restrict 2A

For Immediate Release

Weatherford, TX. October 2, 2024 – The gun vote matters. A September poll commissioned by Texas Gun Rights showed that likely Texas general election voters believe a Harris/Walz administration would restrict access to firearms, and that Colin Allred would support their anti-Second Amendment agenda. The poll also found a majority of likely Texas voters do not support an “assault weapon” ban.

“Voters in Texas aren’t stupid,” said Chris McNutt, President of Texas Gun Rights.  “They understand the threat that a Harris/Walz administration poses to the Second Amendment rights of Texans. Harris, Allred, and the Democrats desire to restrict gun rights would make all Texans less safe. I’m encouraged to see voters to see Texans are continuing to support pro gun-rights candidates.”

The TXGR poll also found that Donald Trump maintained a 10 point lead over Kamala Harris and that Ted Cruz held a 6 point lead over Colin Allred.

Find complete polling data here.



Texas Gun Rights (TXGR) is the largest NO COMPROMISE gun rights organization in the Lone Star State and has mobilized more than 500,000 Texans in defense of the Second Amendment over the past decade.

Senator JD Vance and Governor Tim Walz Spar Over Gun Violence in Vice Presidential Debate

October 2nd, 2024

Vice Presidential nominee and Ohio Senator JD Vance displayed a stunning masterclass in political messaging and rhetoric during his debate with Kamala Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

Hosted on CBS, the only Vice Presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle spanned nearly two full hours and included discussions on a wide variety of hot button issues, including gun violence and how the two candidates would address the problem. Although the firearm segment only lasted a mere 7 minutes, striking dichotomies between both candidates’ approaches towards the issue were revealed. This comes as no surprise considering that Tim Walz is running alongside the most virulently anti-2nd Amendment presidential candidate in American history, Kamala Harris.

For provided context, Kamala Harris has, throughout her career, continuously called for gun bans and confiscations, praising the country of Australia for their mandatory buy-back program, and expressing desires to see a similar policy enacted in the United States. She has announced plans to prohibit the sale or possession of so-called “assault rifles,” through executive order, superseding congress and the Constitution. Kamala is also in favor of extensive red flag laws, and has worked alongside Joe Biden to pressure states into implementing these overt violations of due process across the nation. 

Although she has toned down her confiscatory rhetoric in the lead up to November, claiming now that she herself is a gun owner and that “no one is coming after your guns,” Kamala continues her calls for an assault weapons ban (which inherently entails confiscation). As her running mate, Tim Walz has stood firmly by her side and in support of her tyrannical propositions every step of the way.

In his own career as both U.S. Congressman and Minnesota Governor, Walz boasts a particularly totalitarian record on firearms, having supported bills that ban “semi automatic military-style assault weapons,” as well as bans on certain triggers and enforcement of uniform gun storage protocol in one’s own home. 

Despite this highly unconstitutional record, Walz doesn’t shy away from posing in pictures holding his own guns and proudly proclaiming that he himself is a gun owner and a hunter. It’s arguable that he was chosen specifically to ease the fears of independent voters that Kamala is too radical on guns by portraying Walz as a classical, middle-American gun owner who only wants to ban the scary, black guns. Most everyone, however, can see right through this facade, understanding that both Kamala and Walz are two of the most ardently anti-2nd Amendment politicians in the entire country.

This reality was once again revealed during the Vice Presidential debate. The firearm segment opened with the CBS moderators stating the oft-repeated lie that guns are the leading cause of death for children in America. JD Vance was then asked if he agreed with a recent case in which the parents of a school shooter were convicted of involuntary manslaughter, and the precedent set by prosecuting parents of mass shooters. Vance explained that such decisions would have to be made on a case-by-case basis, based on the facts of each individual situation.

The Ohio Senator then expressed his shared desire with Democrats to end gun violence, especially in schools, but also his intense disagreement with their proposed method of solving the problem. In doing so, he provided a scathing rebuttal of left wing calls for gun control, pointing out the fact that over 90% of gun violence involves illegally obtained firearms, many of which have poured into the country through Kamala Harris’ open border. 

In the following remarks, Vance laid out an actual, effective solution to school gun violence, which involves enhancing school security and increasing the number of school resource officers. Although lamenting this necessity and conveying dejection at the idea of his children feeling unsafe, Vance acknowledged that these are the only real solutions to school shootings. “The idea that we can magically wave a wand and take guns out of the hands of bad guys, it just doesn’t fit with recent experience, so we’ve got to make our schools safer.”

Vance is absolutely correct here, as history has proven that gun control laws and eviscerations of 2nd Amendment rights have done little to curb gun violence or keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. Ratherm, gun control serves only to disarm well meaning and law abiding gun owners, rendering them defenseless against evil individuals who won’t follow the law anyway. If someone is planning to commit perhaps the worst crime of all, murder, they will see little problem with breaking lesser laws pertaining to getting a gun.

In his response, Tim Walz provides little more than a non-answer, policywise. He details his meetings with the victims of school shootings as well as his own son’s experience with gun violence. Walz then repeats his assertion that he is a hunter and acknowledges that “the 2nd Amendment, it, it’s there, but our first responsibility is to our kids.” Following these remarks, he commends his own state’s work in implementing red flag laws and brings up the nation of Finland, which has a high gun ownership rate but little gun violence.

In closing, Walz once again lies and asserts that “no one is coming for your guns.” JD Vance then regains the floor and elaborates on Walz’s point about Finland. Vance explains that Finland has far lower rates of drug abuse and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. He then mentions the often-ignored reality of inner city and gang violence that ravages the most densely populated areas of America, but creates far less headlines. Vance reinforces his belief that police officers need to be enabled to do their jobs and put bad guys away, while emphasizing his tough on crime beliefs. Before finishing, he once again expresses the need for stronger security in American schools.

Being given the last word, Walz concludes the discussion by accusing JD Vance of stigmatizing mental health and using the issue as a scapegoat. “Sometimes it just is the guns. It’s just the guns.” 

Throughout the debate, Walz let out a number of bizarre gaffes, including saying that he has become friends with school shooters. There are many details within his performance to nitpick, but focusing solely on the arguments laid out by both candidates, Vance provides legitimate policy proposals and solutions, while Walz espouses platitudes, emotional rhetoric, and unconstitutional, totalitarian propositions.

Leftists have universally refused to accept any solution to gun violence that doesn’t involve stripping away the 2nd Amendment rights of American citizens. Bring up the reality of mental health and drug abuse and how those factors contribute to gun violence, they say “no, it’s just the guns.” Bring up ideas to improve security in schools and enable police officers to protect children from hostile threats, they say “no, it’s just the guns.” Bring up the fact that gun control laws have not prevented gun violence in any capacity and that the vast majority of crime is committed with illegally obtained firearms, they say “NO, IT’S JUST THE GUNS. WE NEED TO TAKE AWAY THE GUNS.”

This pattern is revealing of a group that does not actually seek solutions to the reality of evil and violence in human society, but rather solely the pursuit of power. Americans everywhere must understand the tyrannical threat that is faced by a Kamala/Walz ticket. The two politicians hold no regard for the God-given, fundamental, constitutional rights of the American people, and they will not hesitate to enforce their totalitarian will upon receiving the power they so desperately desire.

Texas Gun Rights is the Lone Star State’s premier NO COMPROMISE gun rights organization. To keep up to date with all gun related news, subscribe to our newsletter today!

Article submitted to Texas Gun Rights by Blake Kresses

Biden Uses Sweeping Executive Tyranny to Expand Gun Control and Tarnish the 2nd Amendment

October 1st, 2024

On September 26th, President Biden signed a new executive order targeting gun control, posing a significant and alarming infringement on the Second Amendment rights of American citizens. Framed as a response to rising gun violence, this directive reveals a broader agenda that seeks to undermine the freedoms of law-abiding citizens while ignoring the root causes of crime.

The administration touts a fallacious reduction in homicide rates as evidence of its effectiveness, and this statistic is being weaponized to justify further restrictions on responsible gun owners. It’s essential to understand that these numbers should prompt exploration of real solutions rather than imposing sweeping regulations that infringe upon individual liberties. Instead of targeting lawful gun ownership, the focus must be on tackling the underlying issues that contribute to violence, such as mental health crises, cultural factors, and the breakdown of family structures.

One of the most concerning aspects of this executive order is its emphasis on “ghost guns” and 3D-printed firearms. By labeling these innovations as threats, the administration demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of both technology and the rights of citizens. Law-abiding gun owners utilize these tools for legitimate purposes, including self-defense and recreation. Rather than banning such items, the government should encourage responsible ownership and education around their use.

The creation of an Emerging Firearms Threats Task Force adds an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy that not only diverts resources but also opens the door to increased surveillance and monitoring of gun owners. This task force is set to coordinate efforts across multiple agencies, potentially infringing upon privacy rights and placing undue burdens on responsible firearm users. The reality is that the overwhelming majority of gun owners are law-abiding citizens who pose no threat to society. By focusing on monitoring these individuals instead of addressing criminal behavior, the administration misplaces its priorities.

Furthermore, the narrative around machinegun conversion devices and 3D-printed firearms is misleading. While the administration argues that these devices enable semiautomatic firearms to function at rates comparable to military-grade weaponry, it fails to address the fact that most violent crimes are committed with firearms that are already illegal. Criminals do not adhere to laws; they will always find ways to obtain weapons, regardless of regulations. By targeting responsible gun owners, the administration is simply shifting the burden of accountability away from the actual perpetrators of crime.

The emphasis on school-based active-shooter drills within this executive order also raises eyebrows. While ensuring the safety of our schools is of utmost importance, we must question the effectiveness and psychological impact of such drills on students and educators. Rather than promoting a climate of fear, we should be investing in solutions that foster safe and secure learning environments without compromising the rights of responsible gun owners.

In light of these developments, Texas Gun Rights stands resolutely against this executive overreach. We believe that the right to bear arms is not just a constitutional guarantee; it is a fundamental aspect of personal freedom and self-defense. We must remain vigilant and advocate for policies that protect our rights while holding criminals accountable for their actions.

It’s crucial for gun owners across Texas to unite and push back against these misguided efforts. We must remind our leaders that the Second Amendment is non-negotiable and that we will not stand idly by while our rights are eroded under the guise of public safety. The fight for our freedoms continues, and Texas Gun Rights stands firm as the Lone Star State’s premier NO COMPROMISE gun rights organization. Sign up today and join our newsletter to help secure the most fundamental right to self-defense.

Biden Announces Executive Orders on Gun Control

October 1st, 2024

The Biden-Harris administration is at it again, pushing even more anti-gun policies under the guise of “saving lives.” Their latest executive orders aim to go after law-abiding gun owners by targeting “ghost guns,” 3D-printed firearms, and machinegun conversion devices—attempting to make it even harder for responsible citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights. They want to regulate, restrict, and ultimately confiscate your guns, while claiming it’s all about “public safety.”Let’s be clear, these so-called emerging threats are nothing more than an excuse to give more power to the ATF and federal government to further infringe on our rights. By establishing an “Emerging Firearms Threats Task Force,” Biden is doubling down on his commitment to strangle the firearm industry and target anyone daring to protect themselves.

On top of that, Biden and Harris want to impose red flag laws nationwide, funding states to strip citizens of their firearms without due process. They’re also pushing safe storage laws to further complicate your ability to defend yourself. Make no mistake, these are not “commonsense” laws—they’re dangerous restrictions meant to disarm Americans.

And their radical agenda doesn’t stop there. Harris and Biden are trying to pass assault weapons bans, mandate universal background checks, and destroy gun manufacturers by repealing their legal protections. Harris even brags about using executive orders to bypass Congress if they don’t comply.

This administration’s constant push for gun control is a direct assault on our Second Amendment rights. It’s time to stand up and fight back before they turn our country into a gun-free dystopia. Don’t let Biden and Harris steamroll your freedoms—we must resist their attempts to destroy our ability to protect ourselves and our families.

Now more than ever, gun owners must unite to stop this anti-gun agenda. Join the fight to defend the Second Amendment and defeat the Biden-Harris gun control agenda!

Kamala Harris EMBARRASSINGLY Fails to Justify Gun Control Proposals, Cites False “Gun Show Loophole” HOAX

September 25th, 2024

“We’re not trying to take anyone’s guns away from them. But we do need an assault weapons ban.”

Newly installed Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris uttered this remark during a discussion with the National Association of Black Journalists on September 17th. In this extended interview (an extreme rarity thus far in the novel candidates campaign) Kamala continued flaunting her radically anti-2nd Amendment agenda, while simultaneously attempting to deceitfully moderate her position in an appeal to more centrist voters. This is how such laughably contradictory sentiments could be stated in direct succession of each other.

“We’re not going to take your guns, but we are going to ban them and confiscate them from your home.” That is exactly what Kamala Harris is saying, as a so-called “assault weapons ban,” would inherently entail the forced removal of legally purchased firearms from law abiding gun owners. This, of course, tracks with Kamala’s past expressions which praised Australia for their mandatory gun buyback program, and signaled desires for similar implementations in the United States. 

Surprisingly, Kamala experienced what was perhaps her first reception of pushback or challenge from journalists since entering the presidential race. So far, Kamala has dodged fact checks, pressure, or any substantial questioning of her past policy positions from her allies in the mainstream media. She has been allowed to parrot her same old leftwing talking points, make outrageously unconstitutional claims and announce two diametrically oppositional beliefs in the same sentence with absolutely zero cross-examination, until now.

While discussing gun control policy, one of the interviewers, NPR’s Tonya Mosely acknowledged Kamala’s support for banning assault weapons, but questioned how she would address the issue of handgun violence, which is a far greater contributor to gun violence overall than that of modern hunting rifles. “In cities like Philadelphia, handguns are responsible for most homicides and violent crime,” Mosely accurately stated.

Kamala proceeded to immediately deflect back to discussing assault weapons and pushing for their banning, while reiterating that she and her running mate, Tim Walz, are “gun owners.” Mosely continued, however, demanding a direct response to her question about handgun violence, while additionally lamenting that, in the majority of cases, handguns are purchased illegally, superseding gun control measures.

Completely stumped, and unable to retreat to her memorized talking points, Kamala fumbled her way through a word salad of an answer, which included a reference to the debunked “gun show loophole” hoax. “It’s why I have also been adamant about, for years, in fact, I myself have protested at a gun show – probably ten, fifteen years ago. But the gun show loophole and why we need to close that. Because what ends up happening is that gun shows at flea markets, gun dealers are not, under existing law in the past, required to register their sales.”

Simply put, this is a non-answer, and an avoidance of the reality that gun control laws do not work. Criminals who are ready and willing to commit one of the gravest crimes of all, murder, will not be deterred by “universal background checks,” or “assault weapons bans.” All that those laws serve to accomplish are preventing law abiding gun owners from being able to defend themselves, their families, and their property from criminal wrongdoers who could not care less about what the law has to say. Additionally, the “gun show loophole,” does not exist, and data shows that a miniscule percentage (0.8%) of criminals obtained their illegally-owned firearms at gun shows.

Kamala’s true position towards how to solve handgun violence likely bears acute similarities to her beliefs on assault weapons, in that in her ideal world, they would be banned too. Of course, this is not a position she would ever publicly take, and certainly not during an election year, but this hypothesis is supported by her past stances on gun bans and confiscations. After all, the Democratic Party’s recent attempts at banning “assault weapons,” are more accurately described as a ban on all semi-automatic firearms, which includes not only the scary black rifles, but also most pistols and many shotguns.

Asking a Democrat to define “assault weapon,” will prompt a variety of answers based on ambiguous firearm characteristics. Some assault weapon bans proposed by Democrats in recent years include bans on any firearm that carries more than 10 rounds, or possesses a detachable magazine of any kind. These standards circumscribe the vast majority of modern firearms on the market. Furthermore, each time this sort of policy is proposed, additional regulations are included to encompass a greater range of firearms for prohibition.

At the end of the day, the totalitarian beliefs held by radical leftists and democrats across the country amount to the complete disarmament of the American population. That has always been the goal. Despite their fallacious attempts at rhetorical moderation, or their promotion of a walking minstrel show like Tim Walz, they are not particularly shy about their disdain for the American people’s God-given Constitutional right to self defense and preservation. At best, if it were up to them, the 2nd Amendment would pertain exclusively to muskets and flintlock pistols, leaving modern defensive technology strictly in the hands of governmental entities for unilateral control of the populace.

If Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party had any inclination to prevent violent crime and make American communities safer, they would cease their promotion of soft-on-crime policies that allow repeat offenders back on the streets. They would also stop employing anti-police sentiment and leaving the Southern Border wide open to criminal aliens from the third world. In reality, their only real concern is ammassing total and complete control, and Americans must do everything in their power to stop them.

Texas Gun Rights is the Lone Star States premier NO COMPROMISE gun rights organization. We oppose any and all forms of restriction on the 2nd Amendment, and work to ardently protect the people’s right to self-defense. Donate today to support our cause!

Article submitted to Texas Gun Rights by Blake Kresses

Kamala Harris Called for Government Agents Invading Gun Owners’ Homes

September 24th, 2024

Shocking, unearthed footage from May of 2007 has recently resurfaced, revealing the extent of newly-installed Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris’ vitriol for the Constitution, and every God-given right listed therein.

While serving as the District Attorney of San Francisco, Kamala emphasized during a press briefing her plans to violate the 4th Amendment rights of American gun owners by sending government agents into their homes and inspecting their gun safety protocols. “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way that you conduct your affairs.”

In this statement, the now-Vice President is overtly expressing her willingness to invade the homes of law-abiding citizens, completely void of warrants or due process.

Kamala’s many documented attacks on the 2nd Amendment are seemingly unending. Along with her running mate, Tim Walz, she has also openly called for restrictions upon Americans’ freedom of speech and expression in numerous attacks against the 1st. Now, the American people’s fundamental protection against unwarranted searches and seizures stands in the crosshairs of Kamala’s tyrannical aspirations. No one should be surprised if she next calls for quartering Ukrainian soldiers in small-town America!

All kidding aside, Americans have never witnessed such a degree of espoused totalitarianism from a presidential candidate. The most basic of American liberties are being continuously threatened by the very prospect of a Kamala presidency. Such a radically treasonous position would, in a sane society, be instantaneously disqualifying from any and all governmental positions.

Despite her own unproven claims of personal gun ownership, as well as blatant lies touting her “support for the 2nd Amendment,” Kamala still calls for banning so-called “assault weapons,” on a near daily basis, a policy proposal which inherently entails mandatory gun confiscation, otherwise known as an act of violence against the American people. This, of course, tracks with her many calls for Australia style confiscatory programs, and this newly popularized explanation for exactly how she plans to enact them.

One may argue that this presser took place over 17 years ago, and that surely, Kamala does not still maintain such a radical belief that government agents should invade people’s homes to check on their gun safety measures. Unfortunately for these hypothetical defenses, they have been debunked by Kamala’s former coworkers in the U.S. Senate, Bernie Sanders and Raphael Warnock, who have ensured loyal progressives that Kamala has not altered her opinions or values in any capacity and is merely being pragmatic and toning down her rhetoric in order to win the election.

Pragmatic, indeed. The Democrat-controlled Mainstream Media complex has too been pragmatic in assisting Kamala with this “race to the center” strategy, refusing to press her on any of her past far-left positions and shameless flip-flops. She is highly unlikely to be made to answer for this newly revealed tyrannical proposal, or even questioned as to whether she still believes that she can violate 4th Amendment rights with such crass smugness. Her lies will continue to avoid fact checks, and the media companies that built her campaign from the ground up will continue providing a first-class seat on Easy Street, straight to the White House.

The true depth of Kamala’s anti-American, unconstitutional, communist and totalitarian beliefs is yet to be discovered and, ideally, Americans will never be subjugated to her authoritarian whims. America’s most deeply valued Constitutional rights are at stake like never before, and every red-blooded patriot has work to do in preventing their eradication.

Texas Gun Rights is the Lone Star State’s premier NO COMPROMISE gun rights organization. We work diligently to ensure that the state of Texas remains a bastion for upholding the rights of law-abiding gun owners and protecting their ability to defend themselves and their families. Join our newsletter today to learn more about how you can help stop government tyranny!

Article submitted to Texas Gun Rights by Blake Kresses

Alabama Police Chief Blames Constitutional Carry for the State’s Surging Crime Problems

September 18th, 2024

Mike Wood, Bessemer, Alabama Police Chief, addressed the media regarding several shootings that took place the previous weekend.

Wood claims that Alabama’s passage of Constitutional Carry, signed into law by Governor Kay Ivey, has negatively impacted the state’s attempts to reduce crime. The law went into effect in 2023. 

Constitutional Carry is the simple concept that any lawful person can carry a firearm without the government’s permission.

“We have been hindered by legislation that has been passed in the state of Alabama, taking away pistol permits,” Wood declared.

“People are going to say, ‘You have the right to carry guns,’” Wood added. “I agree. You have the right to carry a gun, but I also agree you need a background check. You don’t need to be an 18-year-old child who doesn’t know enough about life to be out here carrying guns.”

“You see what happens,” he continued. “We’re dealing with conflict with guns, and that’s not acceptable.”

Wood conceded that we live in a culture that fosters gun violence. However, the police chief explained that requiring concealed carry permits helped police identify criminals before they commit a crime.

“They might get a gun, but if they’re on their way to commit a shooting and we stop them, and they don’t have a permit for that gun, guess what? We can take him to jail,” he stated. “It’s a misdemeanor. Correct. But it just stopped a felony from occurring, or a robbery, or something else.”

There are valid concerns about the nature of gun violence taking place in cities nationwide. However, the crime problem in the US cannot be solved by restricting gun rights. The country’s crime epidemic is largely the result of soft crime policies pursued by George Soros-funded district attorneys and the broader “defund the police” sentiment that has proliferated in recent years. Allowing lawful individuals to carry a gun at least enables citizens to defend themselves during this unprecedented crime wave when law enforcement can’t be relied on to maintain public order. 

Alabama is a solid pro-gun state and was ranked as the 17th best state for gun owners by Guns and Ammo Magazine. There’s still work to be done on gun policy in Alabama, but it’s trending in a positive direction. Heading down the path of gun control is the wrong move for Alabama. This will turn lawful citizens into soft targets for criminals who have no regard for permit systems and laws that the rest of us must comply with.

The fact that Alabama has solid protections for the right to bear arms gives its citizens a fighting chance against criminals and other nefarious actors. Policymakers who are serious about fighting crime should not only support gun ownership laws for the benefit of lawful citizens but should also get serious about dropping the hammer down on real criminals.

America’s Most Prominent Homemade Gun Manufacturer, Polymer80, Closes Down After a Long Series of Lawsuits and Regulatory Hassle

September 17th, 2024

After prolonged legal ordeals, Polymer80, the largest manufacturer of kits for making homemade firearms, has shut down its operations. 

“P80 was getting sued left and right, probably twice a month,” Polymer80CEO Loran Kelley Jr. announced on social media. “In order to be able to stop the hemorrhaging, we had to shut down and get some things in order.”

Polymer80 has been an industry leader in the homemade firearms sector. It built its reputation by selling instructions, parts, and tools for individuals to build handguns and popular AR-15-style rifles at home. 

Lawmakers and law enforcement officials have been targeting the so-called “ghost guns” that use Polymer80 parts. Many gun control advocates alluded to an alleged increase in the use of ghost guns at crime scenes as their primary justification for passing laws to crack down on homemade firearms. 

Since Polymer80 has been in the spotlight, it has had to cope with lengthy lawsuits and burdensome regulations, which have caused massive expenses that eventually forced the company to close its doors. 

Kelley noted that the closure may be temporary, saying the company would return “in some way, shape, or form.”

In the last few years, Polymer80 has reached legal settlements with the cities of Baltimore, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia, where it agreed to cough up a total of $7.5 million and halt the sale of ghost gun kits in California, Maryland, and parts of Pennsylvania. A court in Washington, D.C. ordered Polymer80 to stop sales in the US capitol and slapped it with over $4 million in penalties, alleging that the company had made false and misleading assertions about the legal status of its products. Lawsuits have been filed by families who lost relatives and police officers shot on duty by Polymer80 homemade firearms. 

For the Biden regime, the regulation of homemade firearms has been one of the key planks of its anti-gun agenda. In 2022, President Joe Biden’s ATF enacted a rule mandating sellers of homemade firearms kits to add serial numbers to several parts and carry out background checks on prospective gun buyers. At least 14 states and Washington, D.C. have imposed restrictions on homemade firearms. 

Eric Tirschwell, director of law for Everytown for Gun Safety, admitted that the goal of gun control groups is to effectively bankrupt organizations such as Polymer80. He said the following:

“The effort to address the illegal use of ghost guns was a combination of litigation, a push for rulemaking by the ATF, and states and cities passing laws cracking down on ghost gun sales. That led to first a shrinking of the market, then with the ATF, a shutting down of the market.” 

Polymer80 was first opened in Vacaville, California, in 2013. Since then, it has been selling kits online that can be turned into all functional firearms in a matter of minutes. Due to the excessive anti-gun nature of California politics, Polymer80 moved to neighboring Nevada. A legal challenge to the ATF’s ghost gun regulation is currently before the Supreme Court, where it could potentially render a notable decision against gun control restrictions at the state level. On October 8, Supreme Court justices are expected to hear arguments concerning the case.

The Second Amendment protects the rights of law-abiding Americans to build their own guns without serial numbers and without being subjected to background checks. This is the Second Amendment in its purest form.  

Homemade firearms are as American as apple pie. Prohibiting these types of firearms will result in the creation of a massive police state. New innovations in the 3-D printing space have allowed gun owners to build their own firearms and peacefully transact with one another in unprecedented ways. Gun control is effectively being rendered irrelevant due to technological advances — an unacceptable prospect for gun grabbers. 

The gridlock that the Biden regime has had to deal with in both chambers of Congress has compelled the administration to turn to unilateral regulatory action in order to advance its anti-gun proposals. In addition, the gun control lobby has taken it upon itself to file lawsuits against the gun industry while lawmakers pass gun control measures at the local and state level, ensuring that the right to bear arms is attacked from every angle. 

The anti-gunners are a relentless bunch and will stop at nothing to destroy the Second Amendment. This is a reminder that constant vigilance is needed not just in Congress or with state legislatures but in courtrooms as well. Make no mistake, the gun-grabbing left is watching for any sign of weakness from gun owners, eager to pounce on their freedoms.

Clay Shoot 24’ Was A Blast!

September 17th, 2024

Our first Annual Clay Shoot was a blast!

The team here at Texas Gun Rights wanted to thank you all for being a part of our Inaugural Clay Shoot.  Without your generous and continuous support, we could not do the work that we do fighting for gun rights here in the state of Texas.

A word from our president, Chris McNutt:

On behalf of our entire team, I want to express our deepest gratitude for your support and participation in our 1st Inaugural Clay Shoot! This event would not have been possible without the generosity of our sponsors and the enthusiasm of our attendees.

To our sponsors, your contributions helped ensure the success of this event, providing us with the resources we needed to create an unforgettable experience. Your commitment to our cause and your willingness to stand with us means more than words can express. We are incredibly fortunate to have you as partners and we look forward to continuing this valuable relationship in the future.

To our event attendees and patrons, thank you for bringing such great energy and camaraderie to the event! It was a pleasure to see so many individuals coming together to enjoy the day while supporting our mission of NO Compromise. Your participation helped make this event a true success, and we hope you had as much fun as we did!

We are excited to build on the momentum from this year’s event and look forward to seeing you all again next year. Together, we’ve set a high bar for future events, and we can’t wait to continue growing and improving this special day.

Thank you once again for your incredible support, and we hope to see you at our next event!

A special thank you goes out to all of our sponsors who helped up pull off a successful first event:

Senators Bernie Sanders and Raphael Warnock Reinforce Kamala’s RADICAL Record on Gun Confiscation

September 16th, 2024

While Democratic Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris has tried (and failed) to conceal her past beliefs and record in an effort to appear more moderate leading up to the November election, Senators Raphael Warnock (D-GA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have worked to ensure her most loyal, radical and progressive supporters that she has, in fact, not changed one bit.

Despite the whitewashing of her career by the Democrat-run mainstream media complex, Kamala’s previous political positions have been forever fossilized by the internet, which she can never escape from. Having served as the most liberal senator in American history, her stances on essentially every issue are far more radical than would be acceptable to the average American voter. As has been reported extensively here at Texas Gun Rights, Kamala has repeatedly touted her support for gun bans, red flag laws, and even mandatory gun buybacks and confiscation. 

Of course, in the lead up to November, Kamala now insists that she’s “not coming for anyone’s guns.” Unfortunately for her, two of her former colleagues and allies in the Senate have made certain to the public that her plans have not changed. 

During an appearance on NBC news, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was questioned regarding Kamala’s apparent policy flip-flops by Meet the Press host Kristen Welker:

“She has previously supported Medicare for All, now she does not. She has previously supported a ban on fracking, now she does not. These, Senator, are ideas that you have campaigned on. Do you think that she is abandoning her progressive ideals?”

Sanders responded: “No, I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals. I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election.” He then affirmed that he still believes that Kamala Harris is a progressive.

American politicians generally follow routinely different guidelines depending on the specific election. Primary elections are often a race to the extreme right or left, in order to garner the majority of support from one’s own party. General elections are most commonly a race to the center, in order to attract the votes of moderates and independents by toning-down more extreme rhetoric. This is nothing new, and is a tactic employed by politicians of all kinds.

Given that there was no form of a primary election for the Democratic Party in this cycle, and Kamala Harris was fervently thrusted into the nomination by party elites, her entire campaign has been a rapid race to the center. Her fellow radicals in the party are, of course, smart enough to understand the necessity of her current strategy. During the interview, Welker insinuated that Sanders may feel slightly betrayed to see Kamala abandon some of the policies that he campaigned on. Naturally, being a seasoned politician, he was not, understanding that Kamala Harris is doing what she has to do to even have a chance against President Trump.

That example demonstrates that Kamala Harris has not changed her mind on any of her radical viewpoints. The next example, an interview with Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock, focuses specifically on the fact that Kamala has not faltered on her tyrannical, gun-grabbing beliefs towards the 2nd Amendment. She is still planning to confiscate guns from law-abiding Americans.

In his own interview with Meet the Press, Raphael Warnock is faced with the question: “Should Kamala be supporting a mandatory gun buyback program.”

“We’re not going to be able to get where we need to go without action in Congress,” Warnock responded, followed by a long-winded rant about the perceived necessity for gun control laws and supposed “bipartisan” sympathies. When asked for a more direct, yes or no, answer, he touts his past experience in conducting gun buybacks as a pastor, and proclaiming that there is not “one single thing,” that must be done.

These two interviews between highly influential Democratic Party members indicate the disturbing reality that Kamala Harris is still as radical as ever, she still maintains all of her tyrannical and misguided policy positions, and she will work hard to implement them if elected. Gun rights advocates did not need to hear it from these two Senators, considering the mountain of instances in which Kamala has espoused her insane plans, but they do serve to reinforce the fact that she is the most anti-2nd Amendment presidential candidate in history.

Texas Gun Rights is the Lone Star State’s premier NO COMPROMISE gun rights organization. With our basic Constitutional liberties and God-given rights being in more danger than perhaps ever before, we are working diligently to secure the people’s ability to keep and bear arms in Texas and maintain it as a state that respects and honors the freedom of its people. Learn more by signing up for our weekly newsletter, keeping you up to date with all gun rights news!

Article submitted to Texas Gun Rights by Blake Kresses