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BREAKING: Constitutional Carry hearing scheduled in Texas Senate!

BREAKING: Constitutional Carry hearing scheduled in Texas Senate!

April 27, 2021

I’ve got an important update so please let me cut to the chase.

Constitutional Carry HB 1927 is scheduled for a hearing in the Texas Senate Special Committee on Constitutional Issues this Thursday!

With only 34 legislative days remaining, it is critical this bill not only gets voted out of committee but also out of the full Senate and onto Governor Abbott’s desk.

So please tell Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and Chairman Charles Schwertner to pass HB 1927 without delay:

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (512) 463-0001

Senator Charles Schwertner (512) 463-0105

Your message can be as simple as:

Please pass Constitutional Carry HB 1927 without compromise or delay! Texas Gun Rights will keep me informed of your actions.

I can’t stress the importance of every single phone call.

In fact, the Senate taking up HB 1927 in committee this Thursday is PROOF your actions are working!

Let me explain…

After Constitutional Carry, HB 1927, passed the Texas House of Representatives, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick threw up roadblocks — proclaiming the Republican-controlled Senate “lacked the Republican votes” to pass the bill.

But thanks to the near-instantaneous onslaught of your phone calls, emails, and petitions, Patrick realized pro-gun Texans wouldn’t settle for anything less than TRUE Constitutional Carry.

In fact, Patrick quickly reversed course by referring HB 1927 to a friendly committee.

Now, HB 1927 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Special Committee on Constitutional Issues this Thursday at 9am.

Not only that, Committee Chairman Charles Schwertner has taken the lead as the Senate co-sponsor of HB 1927, which gives the bill very good chances.

The stars may very well be aligning for passage of Constitutional Carry in Texas…

But we must not let up on an ounce of pressure.

As the saying goes: “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.”

When it comes to Constitutional Carry, YOU are the squeaky wheel!

Without your continued pressure, Lt. Governor Patrick is all but certain to kill this critical pro-gun bill.

Remember, it was ONLY because of your continued pressure that Patrick wizened up and allowed HB 1927 to be referred to a friendly committee.

If we let up now, Constitutional Carry may never make it to the Senate Floor at all.

That’s why it’s critical you call Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Committee Chairman Charles Schwertner TODAY!

After HB 1927 received such strong bipartisan support in the Texas House of Representatives, there is absolutely NO REASON Republican Senators should have weak knees or try opposing the bill!

And that’s the exact message we’ve been delivering to lawmakers in the Senate for the past two weeks

Even better, we teamed up with Lt. Col. Allen West — Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas — to continue pouring the pressure on Gov. Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and the Texas Senate to pass HB 1927.

For the first time ever, we may finally be at a tipping point…

With your continued help, Texas may very well become the 21st Constitutional Carry state.

That’s why we MUST double down on encouraging Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and the Senate to quickly pass HB 1927: no compromise. No delays!

Thank you for everything you do.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights

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