Four Dozen Gun Control Bills Filed in Austin

February 14, 2023

Fellow Patriot,

The Texas Legislature is in session and nearly FOUR DOZEN gun control bills have been filed in Austin.

Worse, Astroturf groups funded by Michael Bloomberg’s millions are planning a huge rally and lobby day at the capitol on February 28… with plans to bus in hundreds of gun control activists from every liberal city across the state.

Here is a short list of the radical bills they’re pushing:

  • A Semi-auto Ban on most rifles, shotguns, and handguns owned by Texans, thinly veiled as an “Assault Weapons” ban (SB 32 & HB’s 817 & 925)
  • “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation allowing government agents to seize legally-owned firearms based on a mere accusation or a difference in political beliefs (SB 144 & HB’s 123 & 136)
  • Forced Gun Registration on firearms sales to state and local officials (HB’s 22, 106, 284, 324 & 662)
  • Repealing Campus Carry, disarming college students and their family visitors and turning them into sitting ducks for an attacker (SB 205)
  • Open Carry Ban, penalizing gun owners who don’t want to hide their firearm behind a coat in the Texas summer months (HB’ 179, 216 & 244)
  • Criminalizing the private sale, gift, or borrowing of a firearm without first going through the NICS gun owner registry and paying a tax (SB’s 370 & 170, HB’s 155 & 236)
  • A ban on firearms transfers at gun shows (SB 360, HB’s 110, 146 & 308)
  • A ban on magazines that hold more than a handful of rounds (HB 197)
  • Raising the age to purchase a firearm in Texas (HB’s 128 & 565)
  • Implementing waiting periods for law-abiding citizens to purchase a firearm (HB 298)
  • Criminalizing the tradition of building your own firearm, under the guise of a “ghost gun” ban (HB 887)
  • Adding a state tax to all firearms, accessories, and ammunition (HB’s 88 & 447)

Marxists will stop at nothing to push their extreme, far-left agenda in Austin to hold power over you — and ruin our great state forever.

In a “red” state like Texas, you’d think any type of gun control would be a non-starter. But you’d be wrong.

Our Republican Speaker of the Texas House, Dade Phelan, would not even allow a motion to BAN anti-gun Democrat Chairs from powerful legislative committees when session began just last month.

That means anti-gun politicians WILL have a say of what becomes law in Texas — despite voters choosing to send supposedly pro-gun Republican majorities to Austin.

I need every pro-gun patriot across the Lone Star State to help me hold the line on the Second Amendment.

Your petition to your elected officials will send a LOUD AND CLEAR message that your guns (and your rights) are NOT up for grabs.

Not ever!

Not only that, but you will also remind far-left Democrats — and weak-kneed Republicans tip toeing the moderate line — that gun owners will continue REJECTING their gun control agenda!


I’ve seen firsthand anti-gun politicians sweating as TXGR staffers haul tens of thousands of petitions through their hallways and offices…

…each petition representing a voter in their district.

All I need is your petition signature. No donation is required.

But if you don’t step up, we’ll assume you’re not going to join the fight to save our great state.

And if you do have the means, I hope you will make your most generous contribution of $25 or even $15 today.

Or consider chipping in only $5 to help us mobilize more pro-gun activists JUST LIKE YOU — all across the state.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights

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