Kyle Rittenhouse Joins Texas Gun Rights to Fight Military-Age Gun Ban


Kyle Rittenhouse Joins Texas Gun Rights to Fight Military-Age Gun Ban

AUSTIN, TX. May 9, 2023 – Kyle Rittenhouse is joining Texas Gun Rights in opposing House Bill 2744, a Democrat-authored bill in the Texas Legislature which would violate the Second Amendment rights of Texans and prohibit military-aged individuals from possessing many types of firearms.

“My life has continuously been threatened by violent Leftists since I was found not guilty for exercising my right to self-defense with an AR-15. Under HB 2744, thousands of young adults just like me would be stripped of their right to self-defense. That’s why I am supporting Texas Gun Rights’ efforts to oppose this bill” said Rittenhouse, a 20-year-old Texas resident.

Chris McNutt, President of Texas Gun Rights, promised to defeat HB 2744 in the Texas Legislature and hold Republicans who support it accountable in their elections.

“18-year-olds can serve in the military, vote for leaders of our country, get married, and agree to life altering contracts. But Republicans like Justin Holland and Sam Harless have signed on to Democrat efforts to disarm them. Texas Gun Rights will defeat this legislation and make sure the constituents of any politician restricting the rights of gun owners will be made aware of their actions.”

Texas Gun Rights believes HB 2744 is unconstitutional and has promised to sue if it passes. TXGR believes they have a strong chance of prevailing in court due to recent federal court rulings declaring that the Second Amendment applies to 18–20-year-olds.

“Gun bans for military-aged adults have already been struck down in the country’s most liberal circuit court. They’ve been struck down here in Texas in a Fort Worth Federal District Court in Andrews v McCraw,” said McNutt. “If HB 2744 becomes law, we will take the fight to the courtroom, and we will win.”

   About Texas Gun Rights

Texas Gun Rights is the premier no-compromise gun rights group in Texas with more than 500,000 members and supporters across the state. TXGR fights tirelessly to promote and protect the Second Amendment rights of all Texans.

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