New Billboard Alert!

October 13, 2023

The Presidential election may be more than a year away, but we are in the thick of election season in Texas.

We talk about it a lot at TXGR — establishment and RINO Republicans are just as much of a threat (if not more!) to our gun rights as the Democrats.

The gun-grabbing dems are at least honest about wanting to take your guns away! Many Republicans campaign as being “pro-gun”, but then go to Austin and vote in the exact opposite way.

One of the worst offenders of this is my State Representative, Glenn Rogers, who represents a mostly rural district west of Fort Worth.

I’m sure you’ll remember that during the 2023 legislative session, we raised the alarm about SB 728 — a bill that moves us closer to universal gun registration in Texas.

According to the House sponsor of SB 728, Rep. Jeff Leach, the bill is bringing “Texas into line with Federal Law” as instructed by Joe Biden’s Bipartisan Safter Communities Act (something Texas could’ve REFUSED to do as a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary State’.)

Sadly, SB 728 was passed by the Republican-majority Texas House, Republican-majority Texas Senate, and signed into law by the Republican Governor, and will now funnel millions of records of law-abiding Texans into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), banning them from possessing or purchasing firearms. 

But what does that mean, you ask?

This law bans adult residents of Texas with certain juvenile offenses from possessing firearms due to indiscretions as a youth.

Worse, the law FORCES state reporting to NICS on ALL future juvenile inpatient mental health cases. This also opens the records of individuals retroactively who received inpatient mental care after the age of 16, even in the overwhelming case where there is NO violent risk, and the mental health issue has been resolved.

Of course, if you recall from our previous communications, the NICS Gun Ban Registry is already a horribly flawed system with a 95% false positive rate on firearms purchase denials since 1998.

That means 95% of the firearms purchase denials were law-abiding individuals who were WRONGLY denied a purchase! Often because they have the same name, or a similar name, as a prohibited person.

Thanks to SB 728, this new law feeds right into Biden’s gun-grabbing plan. And Rep. Rogers was one of the despicable Republicans to vote for this bill.

But you can rest assured that Texas Gun Rights isn’t going to let your politicians get away with this — not without a fight!

In fact, we already placed a billboard to get the word out! And we’re preparing to follow it up with text messages and mailers, exposing his record to his pro-gun voters.

Predictably, Rogers has already gone to social media whining about the billboard, calling us liars because “other Republicans voted for it, too.” 

The truth is, Texas Gun Rights is not loyal to any politician or political party. We are loyal to our members — and our commitment to protect and defend the Second Amendment!

With your help, Texas Gun Rights will aim to expose the records of anti-gun politicians like Rogers all across the state before the next primary election.

But if we wish to go statewide, it is going to be a costly endeavor. In Rogers district alone, we expect to spend $10,000 over the next month.

Can you give $100, $50, or even $10 to help us reach more people, in more districts?

We have to hold spineless Republicans like Rep. Rogers accountable — especially when they refuse to admit they’ve done any wrong. And your donations can help!

Texas may not have gun laws like California, but it will only remain that way if we keep fighting to protect them. We dare not keep silent, or we will have only ourselves to blame when our freedoms are taken from us!

Back-to-Back Wins Against ATF Overreach!

October 9, 2023
Guess what? We did it again!
The overreaching bureaucrats at ATF were delivered another major blow.
Thanks to our relentless pressure in the court, Judge Reed O’Connor of the Northern District stomped on the ATF’s ridiculous Forced Reset Trigger ban and granted a preliminary injunction in our SECOND lawsuit against the ATF.
Now, members of Texas Gun Rights, National Association for Gun Rights and clientele of Rare Breed Triggers, are protected from this nonsensical regulation.
But here’s the icing on the cake: in O’Connor’s conclusion, he stated that “the plaintiffs are likely correct” that the ATF’s attempts to broaden the definition of a machine gun is an arbitrary and capricious expansion of the agency’s authority.
“Plaintiffs have carried their burden at this stage to show that the expanded definition of machinegun likely exceeds the scope of ATF’s statutory authority.”
This is a huge victory and a good sign we are on the way to winning a permanent injunction for our members and further reining in the ATF.
Of course, this marks our SECOND preliminary injunction granted in less than a week!
You may recall, on Wednesday of last week that Judge O’Connor ruled in our favor in another lawsuit, ensuring that Texas Gun Rights members are shielded against the ATF’s misguided ban on pistol stabilizing braces.
That’s TWO major smackdowns in ONE week!
How’s that for showing the ATF who’s boss?
Now, let’s be clear. These are not mere victories. They are loud, clear messages to the power-hungry pencil pushers in D.C.
But we’re not just here to win battles. We’re here to WIN THE WAR.
And that war? It’s to ABOLISH the ATF for good — and YOU can help us send them packing!
Let’s drown them in a sea of signatures!
But after you sign, I need you to help us keep the momentum going.
Remember, donations of $35 or more not only support our cause but automatically make you a Texas Gun Rights member (if you’re not one already.)
That means, should we secure a permanent injunction, your rights would be safeguarded permanently!
Look, I understand not everyone has money to give. Or, like many others, you may have already given recently.
And we greatly appreciate your support!
But please know that each victory we achieve is a testament to our collective strength, unity, and dedication to preserving the Second Amendment rights.
Let’s keep up the pressure and ensure our voices resonate in the corridors of power.
Thank you for being the backbone of this fight. Together, we will prevail!
For Texas and Liberty,
Chris McNutt
President, Texas Gun Rights

Major Win for Texas Gun Rights: Preliminary Injunction Granted!

October 4, 2023

We have HUGE news to share with you so please allow me to get straight to the point:

The Northern District of Texas has granted Texas Gun Rights a preliminary injunction against the ATF’s ban on pistol stabilizing braces! 

That means the ATF cannot enforce their ban against our members. (You can read the injunction here).

If you haven’t been following our lawsuit, let me catch you up to speed! 

Texas Gun Rights, in collaboration with the National Association for Gun Rights, took a bold step in SUING the Biden-ATF as a direct response to their ban on pistol stabilizing braces earlier this summer

These plastic firearm accessories, designed to assist disabled veterans and ensure safe and accurate firearm use, are now being used as a pretext to criminalize millions of Americans — and forcing them to disarm.

This is an outrageous abuse of power!

But thanks to YOUR relentless support — we were granted a preliminary injunction, prohibiting the ATF from enforcing this draconian rule on members of our organization. 

This is not just a win for Texas Gun Rights members but a victory for every individual who believes in the right to bear arms and the liberties the Second Amendment protects.

Sadly, this is just the first of MANY battles we have with the ATF.

We’re also diving headfirst into challenging the ATF’s contentious decision to ban forced reset triggers, where they indiscriminately determined a forced reset trigger can somehow turn a firearm into a MACHINE gun.

In fact, I was in federal court earlier this week for our lawsuit on that case, where we are also fighting for an injunction for our members!

Of course, there’s another looming storm on the horizon: the ATF has proposed a new definition for what type of individual constitutes as a “dealer in firearms“. 

If they push this through, Biden’s Universal Gun Registration scheme will be nearly complete by forcing EVERY single (legal) private firearms transaction through the flawed NICS Gun Ban Registry

But as you and I know, criminals will never comply with this request, only law-abiding citizens will… making it nothing more than a universal gun registry for law-abiding gun owners.

Should the ATF dare to tread this path as proposed, we’re ready to counter with all the legal might at our disposal with yet another lawsuit.

But while we rally against these immediate threats, our endgame remains clear: to see the ATF dissolved

We’re actively pushing for H.R. 374 in Congress, and its passing will symbolize a monumental stride in safeguarding gun rights across America.

Now, I turn to you, the backbone of our movement, to join us in making an even more significant impact.

If you haven’t already, please sign our petition to Abolish the ATF: 

Together, we can send a thunderous message that resonates through the halls of Congress.

But if you’ve already signed our petition, please consider supporting our ongoing efforts with a donation to Texas Gun Rights.

No matter if it is $10, $50 or any amount you’re comfortable with, every penny fuels our mission, enabling us to maintain the pressure on the ATF and staunchly defend our cherished freedoms.

We stand at a crossroads, with every action and decision echoing into the future of gun rights in Texas and beyond. 

We’ve tasted victory, and with your continued support, I believe our most significant triumphs are still ahead.

For Texas and Liberty,


Chris McNutt

President, Texas Gun Rights