June 3, 2023
They’re never going to stop.
Gun control groups are expanding their anti-gun agenda on university campuses by urging law students to pledge to NEVER represent the firearm industry or its interests in court.
This audacious move not only undermines Second Amendment rights but also seeks to infringe upon the fundamental principle of fair legal representation protected by the Sixth Amendment.
Giffords and March for Our Lives aim to convince law students to sign a nonbinding pledge that denies the firearm industry representation in legal matters.
This direct attack on the industry is using verifiably false claims to blame the gun industry for violent crimes in America while disregarding the legal foundations of due process.
In turn, they’re using this to guilt prospective lawyers into never representing gun owners or anyone associated with the gun industry.
One of the primary FALSE claims made by these groups is that firearms are the leading cause of death among American children.
However, this claim has been debunked as it manipulates data by including young adults involved in gang violence in the category of children.
The true cause of childhood deaths is not firearms but other factors, such as motor vehicle accidents.
The firearm industry should not be unfairly scapegoated based on false statistics.
But Giffords and March for Our Lives have also launched their pledge drive on several prominent law school campuses, aiming to pressure law firms by suggesting that graduates who refuse to sign their pledge against the firearm industry or Second Amendment rights not be considered for their talents.
This attempt to manipulate the legal profession poses a grave threat to the principles of fair representation and the constitutional rights of ALL individuals.
Gun rights is facing threats on multiple fronts:
- Anti-gun legislation in Washington and Austin
- Unconstitutional executive orders by Sleepy Joe Biden
- The ATF arbitrarily changing definitions and turning gun owners into felons overnight
- The Fake news media acting as a megaphone for the Gun Control Lobby
Now, the Gun Control Lobby is pressuring law firms and students to NOT represent gun owners or the gun industry!
That’s why your support of Texas Gun Rights is so important.
If you haven’t already, please consider becoming a monthly Texas Gun Rights donor for $25 or even $35 per month to give us the resources to fight back against any threat at a moments notice.
Even $10 per month will allow us to improve our financial forecasting and allocate our resources toward the greatest need.
But if monthly isn’t an option, please consider a one-time gift of $50 or even $100 today. Thank you for all that you do!
For Freedom,
CJ Grisham, Esq.
Legal Counsel
Texas Gun Rights Foundation
This correspondence is not intended as attorney advertising or solicitation. It is not offered as legal advice, and it does not establish, nor is it intended to establish, an attorney-client relationship. For Identification Purposes Only.