Will you be disarmed?


Gun registration always comes before confiscation.

Germany under Hitler, China under Mao, Russia under Stalin… and if we don’t take a stand, America under Biden.

The Biden-Harris Administration is desperate to catalogue every gun owner in America with Universal Gun Registration.

That is why Democrats… and so-called “moderate” Republicans are pushing this authoritarian policy so hard.

I need your help to stop this nightmare from coming to Texas, so please sign your Stop Universal Gun Registration petition today!

With record numbers of citizens buying a gun for the first time after the violence of the 2020 riots, the anti-Second Amendment establishment is panicking.

Tyrants from all throughout history always disarm the populace, so it’s no surprise that the power-hungry politicians of today are following suit.

But to do that, they must first have a list of armed citizens. That is the reason anti-gun activists love Universal Gun Registration.

This so-called “common sense” policy would require every single gun sale to be approved by the government and give the government a record of every firearm you own.

All gun purchasers would be funneled into the Brady-NICS registry. Meaning, you could no longer sell your long gun, buy one from a private seller, or give or receive one as a gift without getting government approval first.

Neighbors and friends would be unable to sell firearms to each other.

You could end up a criminal just for loaning your gun to a hunting buddy.

Tell your legislators to take a stand against this tyranny by signing your Stop Universal Gun Registration petition today!

Forcing law-abiding citizens to ask for government permission to own a firearm is a clear violation of the Second Amendment.

And of course, the Brady-NICS system is notoriously broken.

Americans trying to legally purchase guns are often turned away for something as simple as having the same name as a criminal, while multiple criminals with lengthy serious wrap sheets have made it through the background check without any issue.

It should not even be possible for your gun rights to be denied because of bureaucratic incompetency.

Universal Gun Registration dramatically increases the number of people in the system, only making mistakes like this more prevalent.

You would think Texas Republicans that run as “pro-gun” would have no issue rejecting this nonsense, but they are some of the worst offenders.

Just look at Republican Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, one of the most powerful men in the state government.

He proudly proclaims his support for Universal Gun Registration, even swearing to “take the lead” on forcing Texas to adopt this unconstitutional policy.

And as we saw in the fight for Constitutional Carry, far too many Republican Senators are willing to compromise on gun rights to secure a few crumbs of power from Dan Patrick.

Texans clearly cannot trust the politicians in Austin to do the right thing without applying pressure to them.

If we let RINOs get away with caving to the anti-gun screeching from the Left, it will spell disaster for gun owners.

That is why I need your help to fight back now!

TXGR has defeated the Austin swamp rats before — even passing Constitutional Carry! — but I am not able to do anything without your pressure on lawmakers.

Your support and your action are the backbone of Texas Gun Rights.

So sign your petition to your lawmakers insisting they oppose Universal Gun Registration.

And please consider giving your most generous contribution to Texas Gun Rights to help us mobilize more pro-gun patriots in the fight for your gun rights in the Lone Star State!

It takes serious grassroots pressure to stop gun control when the Republican establishment starts to push it, but it can be done.

Just look at our sister organization, Florida Gun Rights, who killed a bill being pushed last year by Republicans Bill Galvano and Tom Lee which would have included Universal Gun Registration.

If this can be accomplished in Florida, I know that Texans can beat back this anti-gun policy twice as hard.

With your support, Texas Gun Rights demolished attempts by Governor Greg Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick to push “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation in 2019 and early 2020.

But only through your ongoing vigilance can we defeat these threats to our right to keep and bear arms.

So please, in addition to signing your petition, consider funding our fight with a gift of $250 right away.

I know that’s a lot to ask, but our members are our greatest asset against the well-funded Austin establishment.

But if $250 is just too much of a stretch, I hope you’ll agree to $100, or $70 to help us continue fighting on all fronts.

The looming threat of Universal Gun Registration is too big to ignore, so whatever you decide please don’t delay in signing your petition.

For Freedom,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights

P.S. The Biden-Harris Administration is desperate to catalogue every gun owner in America with Universal Gun Registration.

That is why Democrats…and so-called “moderate” Republicans are pushing this authoritarian policy hard.

Tell your legislators to take a stand against this tyranny by signing your Stop Universal Gun Registration petition today!

Then, please give your contribution of $250, $100, or $70 to help us continue fighting on all fronts.

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